
Pastors Prophets & Apostles It's Time To Unify

Although some may not want to hear is imperative that it be said. Pastors it is time to Unify and work together with the Lord's Prophets & Apostles during these critical times. Ephesians 2:19-22 (NIV) 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.


Let not the darkness of Trials & Tribulations consume you there is Always Light... Even in the darkness. Is there not a Lit Moon in the night sky to remind us that He Is the Light of the world even in the midst of darkness? Rest in the Peace of Knowing that God is Loving, Merciful and Faithful. He is Still there with you even in the Darkness. Love you more~

These Are Exciting Times...Acceleration Gifts & Talents!

These are EXCITING TIMES! Woohoo! This is the time the Lord is identifying and accentuating the GIFTS in you, It's also a time where He is flooding the adventurous with new ideas, inventions and OPPORTUNITIES. This is not a time to be shy, withdrawn, or sluggish. Just "LEAP" out there and I assure you God will open the doors, part the way like the Red Sea and propel you through. Now your "Inner Gift" is the Gift that the Lord placed within you...your Passionate about it, it brings you joy, it's effortless. Not sure what your Gift is. No worries I can help with that...That's My Gift! You can contact me @, check out the website or give me a call 916.320.5482! But in the meantime GET EXCITED IT'S YOUR TIME!

Maximize Your Time In The Kitchen!

THIS IS A BUSY YEAR...for those of us that has made a decision to "Go For It All this year"! Well Great News..! We can Maximize Our Time In The Kitchen...Tips shared by Isabel De Los Rios of What a Great Year...Enjoy! Spending too much time cooking? Here's my solution... When I first started eating healthy, I felt like all I ever did was cook and prepare meals. Cutting, chopping, packing, freezing…wow, it felt like it was endless, and it took up so much time. Some days it was enough for me to say, “Forget this whole healthy eating thing. I’m just going to grab the first quick thing I can get my hands on!” But then I quickly remembered that it was that exact way thinking that led to my 30 lb. weight gain to begin with. Something definitely needed to change. So I asked myself a question that often applies to different areas of my life… How can I make this entire process much simpler? Luckily for me (and now you), I’ve found many...

The Breakthrough Birthing Pains of Women Arising Guest Rev Roxanne Parks 04/15 by inspirationEmpowerment BREAKTHROUGH | Spirituality Podcasts

The Breakthrough Birthing Pains of Women Arising Guest Rev Roxanne Parks 04/15 by inspirationEmpowerment BREAKTHROUGH | Spirituality Podcasts ARCHIVE AVAILABLE for Listens!  An amazing interview on Inspiration~ Empowerment & BREAKTHROUGH! w/ Dr. Beverly L. Swanson, and great nuggets shared on those "birthing pains"...copy & paste LINK in your Browser and Enjoy the Broadcast!

2015 "A Year Of Opportunity With Major Shifts & Breakthrough!" Dr David Herzog 01/29 by inspirationEmpowerment BREAKTHROUGH | Spirituality Podcasts

2015 "A Year Of Opportunity With Major Shifts & Breakthrough!" Dr David Herzog 01/26 by inspirationEmpowerment BREAKTHROUGH | Spirituality Podcasts


AN EXCELLENT NOW TIME WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT & INSTRUCTION...Enjoy & Get those Results! Stop setting goals, instead choose your result! THINK BACK over your life… and try to come up with a single thing that just landed in your lap. Especially something good! Good things happen when you work hard, study hard, play hard, and plan hard. The REALLY good things happen when you get EXCITED about them. Then the work it takes doesn’t even feel like work! IT STARTS with setting a “result” …something you can get FIRED UP about. Then set in place the steps needed to reach them. Here’s where a “sprint” comes in – “that plan” requires that you WORK to achieve it. The work is carrying you closer to your “result”. Think about how it will feel to reach that “result”; let yourself get EXCITED! It becomes a cycle -- the more excited you are about reaching your “result”, the easier it is to sprint to reach your “result” that you want. When you reach your “result”, don’t forget to celebrate (an...