These Are Exciting Times...Acceleration Gifts & Talents!

These are EXCITING TIMES! Woohoo! This is the time the Lord is identifying and accentuating the GIFTS in you, It's also a time where He is flooding the adventurous with new ideas, inventions and OPPORTUNITIES. This is not a time to be shy, withdrawn, or sluggish. Just "LEAP" out there and I assure you God will open the doors, part the way like the Red Sea and propel you through. Now your "Inner Gift" is the Gift that the Lord placed within you...your Passionate about it, it brings you joy, it's effortless. Not sure what your Gift is. No worries I can help with that...That's My Gift! You can contact me @, check out the website or give me a call 916.320.5482! But in the meantime GET EXCITED IT'S YOUR TIME!


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