Maximize Your Time In The Kitchen!
THIS IS A BUSY YEAR...for those of us that has made a decision to "Go For It All this year"! Well Great News..! We can Maximize Our Time In The Kitchen...Tips shared by Isabel De Los Rios of What a Great Year...Enjoy! Spending too much time cooking? Here's my solution... When I first started eating healthy, I felt like all I ever did was cook and prepare meals. Cutting, chopping, packing, freezing…wow, it felt like it was endless, and it took up so much time. Some days it was enough for me to say, “Forget this whole healthy eating thing. I’m just going to grab the first quick thing I can get my hands on!” But then I quickly remembered that it was that exact way thinking that led to my 30 lb. weight gain to begin with. Something definitely needed to change. So I asked myself a question that often applies to different areas of my life… How can I make this entire process much simpler? Luckily for me (and now you), I’ve found many...