Rest Assured Be Confident You Will Reach Your Destiny

There is so much confusion these days...that many are wondering in a tiny area in the back of their minds if they will indeed reach their destiny. I can help with that, if you will let me. Fortunately for all of us there is an "Assurance" in the Word of God...the Bible, that addresses that. Thank goodness! Okay here it is. (Philippians 1:6). The idea in this verse is to be confident that there will be Nothing Lacking on God's part in performing the work He has started in us. He will continue to work on us, with us and in us, until the final work of grace has brought us to our destiny. However there Are some Conditions Of Assurance on our part. Yes of course WE have a part in this. Here I will list some of them for you. Conditions Of Assurance: 1. Become a subject of God's grace (walk in his grace) 2. Be a partaker of God's grace. 3. Abound more & more in love 4. Approve things that are excellent 5. Be sincere until the end 6. Be without offense until the end 7. Be filled with fruits of righteousness 8. Let your manner of life be like unto the gospel of Christ (word of God) 9. Be Not terrified by enemies (fear no one) 10. Suffer for His sake 11. Be like minded with Christ 12. Have the same love as Christ 13. Be of one mind & one accord with others 14. Esteem others better than yourself 15.Let Nothing be done through strife & vain glory (remember God gets the glory in all things) 16. Be interested in others 17. Obey the Word 18. Do all things without murmuring & complaining 19. Press toward the high calling 20. Stand fast in the Lord (don't give up on Him) 21. Help all workers of Christ 22. Rejoice in the Lord always 23. Be anxious for nothing 24. Let requests be known to God 25. Think on right things 27. Do what you have learned, received, heard and seen in the Lord. So again rest Assured that the LORD God will not give up on us...He knew the end from the beginning. He knew before we were even born our successes, failures, bloopers & those things we have not shared with anyone because of the embarrassment. Now that we know OUR part in this journey, let us be diligent in doing our part and we will indeed Reach Our Destiny...Our Greatness beyond measure, that we may sing & shout...and He may get the glory. Let's do it together... Love you more~ Dr. Beverly Inspirational Speaker, Author, Spiritual Life Consultant/Coach, Christian Counselor, Personal Life Development Coach/Consultant, Radio Talk Show Host, Ghost Writer, Psalmist Email: Office: 916.320.5482


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