Life Is Rewarding When You Make A Decision To Live In Love

Life Is Rewarding When You Make A Decision To Live In Love Love Never Fails ...and Love Conquers All.. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:7, yes it's Biblical. When you make a decision to try life according to the truth of the Word you open yourself to an array of Powerful & Wonderful opportunities you never imagined before. Think of it...endless peace that surpasses all human understanding. A joy that is un-explainable yet provides such strength. Haven't you even wondered for a moment what that may be like, or exactly what endless possibilities one could experience? Never stop dreaming dear readers. However if you would like to see many of them evolve and emerge from a dream to a Reality...a Transition is you make that Transition is Critical...Critical indeed. Seek Truth~ Be Open to Truth...and you will Find Truth and the Truth will Set You Free. Love you more~ Dr. Beverly L. Swanson ~ Eagle Wings Inspirational Speaker ~ Spiritual Life Coach/Consultant ~ Personal Life Development Coach/Consultant ~ Christian Counselor 916.320.5482


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