Do you find that people are having a hard time forgiving you? Well let's take a look at that. First of all... I know some would say that there are somethings that are Unforgivable! You might be saying that to yourself as well. But you see Dear Ones we were made in the image and the likeness of God and He Forgives us All The Time...our foolishness, our ugliness, as well as those things that many might say is unforgivable. So what am I saying? I'm saying that it is in our "Nature" to forgive. People are going to angry and upset because we are moved by what we see, taste, hear, feel, experience, but at Some point in time...(key word time) people will generally forgive. Remember though what I teach? Everything in life is centered around principles. What you have to first give, and what you give is returned back to you. So if you want people to forgive you...You Must First Forgive Yourself . Dr. Beverly L. Sw...
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