
Showing posts from July, 2014

Let Love Be Your Driving Force Today & Let It Start With YOU~

Let Love Be Your Driving Force Today & Let It  Start With YOU~ It is No Secret what Love can do in our Lives...  It gives us joy, drive, pleasure, focus, stamina, courage...and even Power!  It is the Entire Basis for Our Existence!  So if you think you can live without it you are fooling yourself...stop that.  If you think you Can Have it Without First starting with Loving Yourself...let me help you with this myth...You Cannot! So come on dear more holding back, let's do it together...I'll start~ I Love You More~   #love #inspire #joy #healing #health #Motivational #lifecoach Dr. Bev~ Dr. Beverly L. Swanson Personal LifeDevelopment Coach/Consultant Spiritual Life Consultant

Relax...It's Going To Be Okay... Hope & Motivation

Garris Elkins: "Trust Me to Deliver You to Your Promised Destination" Listen to a Word from the Lord to Us Today... "I Will Make A Way..." As I processed these words the Lord spoke a word of hope and promise: "I will make a way in this fast, approaching desert where no way seems possible. I will not allow what I have set in motion in your life to end in disaster.  I have laid tracks under the sand of your developing future that are not yet visible to the natural eye.  These tracks will rise up and catch the wheels of your life and deliver you across this undefined desert place.  (Photo by Robert Bartow  The Sword and Stone  via ) "I have been this way before with many others just like you. I know what I am doing. Trust Me to deliver you to your promised destination.  Instead of crying out in fear at the end of these tracks, you will cry out in joy for what I have done. " Between now and the end of these known track...

Exercise To Live ~ Eat To Live~ Expel Yesterday & Live Today~

IT'S TIME TO START FRESH...Learn Who You Are Today!  It's a world of Adventure and your a part of it.  Uncover The Adventure In You! Dr. Beverly L. Swanson ~ Eagle Wings       Discover Your Inner Gift ~ Wisdom Is The Principle Thing  Personal Life Coach / Consultant

In The Arising There Is Hope~ Change~ Life & Love For All..

In an Arising there is Hope ...The Arising comes from inside of You.  The Hope is in Christ Jesus.  So Never stop working on you Dear ones.   Arise in your Thinking, Arise in your Expectations, Arise in your Heart stretching yourself to Love again, Arise in your Giving..always be willing to help ohers....When you are able to do those things...Then the Christ in you Arises, and the Power of God takes over. Dreams are realized, New beginnings, New Joys, New Life, New Friends, New Love. everything becomes anew.  Let go of yesterday Arise & Reach for a better today...and a Greater tomorrow. Love you more~  #hope, #inspirational, #Love, #health #wellness #motivational #babyboomers #life coach, #consultant #depression, #women, #men                                                   Dr. Beverly L. Swanson ~ Eagle Wings  www.dr...

Life Doesn't Stop With Age ~ It Brings New Adventures With Wisdom As A Foundation

Life isn't over as we become Seasoned.  Nor should it slow down.  This is a time to be Filled with Excitement, New Ideas, Dreams & Adventures.  Single?  You don't have to be, ask God to direct you to a mate that has your zest and zeal for life.  It is a blessing to be a grandparent with grandchildren, but far to many stop living thinking, that's all this life now has for them.... NOT SO!  Set an example for your grandchildren by showing them that life is to be lived, enjoyed, shared & loved and when the final breath has exhaled...the Ultimate Reward for a life shared of love, peace, happiness, and giving is... heaven itself.  Let us eradicate the anxiety behind aging & the fear of  death and promotion by Living Each Year of our Lives to the Fullest Measure...a Gift from the Father that created us...the Gift of Life. If you don't know how to do that...Don't miss out!  That's what a Life Coach/Consultant is for.  #coach #cons...

Everything Is Subject To Change!

What a Beautiful Day!! No Matter What we Face in a Given Day...REMEMBER it is Subject to Change by What We Decree & Declare. So Speak Life...Speak Peace...Speak Love...Speak Increase...Speak Healing...Speak Debt Cancellation & SMILE...SMILE...SMILE!! Dr. Beverly L. Swanson~ Eagle Wings             Life Coach/Consultant ~ Personal Development Christian Counselor ~ Inspirational Empowerment Speaker                                                                     

Start Your Day with Passion ~ Confidence Through Life Words!

Good morning Dear Friends.. Do you know how important it is to start you're day with Passion...Confidence & Life Words?  Why?  Because as a living breathing being you have the absolute Power to literally shape your life and your world what you Speak!  How cool is that!  How Powerful is that?  Are you finding it hard to believe...well I can back it up with the Word.  Remember what I've shared with you in past Wisdom Messages, if it is in the Word of's a Done Deal.  All we need is the Faith & Trust in God to Believe it, so that we can Receive it.   Proverbs 18:21   The  tongue  has  the   power   of  life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.  There you have it ...So Start Speaking Life Words! Don't forget about Dr. Beverly's New relationship with Internet Radio (mobile app available) to Listen to my Radio Talk Show "Inspiration~ Empowerment ...

Verse of the Day~

Verse of the Day You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by  God . You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That’s right—you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. You,  God , prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; Then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel. I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways. I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me. Psalm 119:7   MSG Today's passage is from the  The Message.

We Have Been Sent Into This World For A Purpose!

God has sent you and me into this world for a purpose. Let nothing stand between you and the fullness of completing the purpose of your life. Do not let anyone or anything prevent the release of all God has given you in this day. For the opportunity will soon pass and will not return in this lifetime. Do not be overcome with the criticism of man or the discouragements of the enemy. Move now with all you have into the perfect will of God for you and ignore those beside you or behind you who want to debate or condemn. The debaters and accusers do not have to give account for our lives; we do.  (Open Heaven Ron McGatlin) Dr. Beverly L. Swanson ~ Eagle Wings Website: Email: O: 916.320.5482

Single Does Not Mean Lonely & Lonely Doesn't Mean Single

Come is not wise to think that just because one is Single that they are Lonely...Nor is it wise to think that if one is Lonely they are Single.  Such thoughts either way will get & keep you in trouble.  Singleness... is simply a state that one is in before one is married.  Why is is that people want to complicate those things which really are quite simple?  As a Single person, one should strive to be a "whole" person, so that when they choose to marry their partnership of wholeness with wholeness makes for one beautiful & complete package. One does not have to be Single to be Lonely...when you marry a person who is not "whole" then one tends to look to become whole through the life of their spouse. Ineffective & impossible.  Take the time to get to know the person you are...learn to Love yourself before you marry. Now we all error in some way.  What does that mean?  It means if you were not whole when you can still s...

Do You Feel That People Will Never Forgive You?

Do you find that people are having a hard time forgiving you?  Well let's take a look at that.  First of all... I know some would say that there are somethings that are Unforgivable!  You might be saying that to yourself as well.  But you see Dear Ones we were made in the image and the likeness of God and He Forgives us All The Time...our foolishness, our ugliness, as well as those things that many might say is unforgivable.  So what am I saying?  I'm saying that it is in our "Nature" to forgive.  People are going to angry and upset because we are moved by what we see, taste, hear, feel, experience, but at Some point in time...(key word time) people will generally forgive.  Remember though what I teach?  Everything in life is centered around principles.  What you have to first give, and what you give is returned back to you.   So if you want people to forgive you...You Must First Forgive Yourself . Dr. Beverly L. Sw...


TONIGHT on BlogTalk Radio- "inspiration~ Empowerment & BREAKTHROUGH!" A Gunshot Aimed and Fired Into Her Heart...and an Encounter with Jesus on the table as her Life Slipped away...brought her back from Drugs, Crack cocaine & Alcohol...and so much More...Join Me and my Special Guest Dr Jessica Rodriquez, as she Shares Her Story ...7:00Pm (PDT) Tuesday (CLICK THE LINK) 7/15/14. http:// drbeverlylswanson/2014/07/ 16/ dr-rodriquez-corporate-weal th-hollywood-parties-drugs -alcoholdeath-victory                                                                 Dr. Beverly L. Swanson ~ Eagle Wings~ Inspirational/Empowerment Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host, Author, Consultant/Coach, Personal Development, Christian Counselor      Website:  Email: info@drbeverl...

Wisdom Message from Dr. Beverly~

Wisdom Message by Dr. Beverly. . Dear Ones here is the reason why you should Not Allow someone to use you to gossip with....Because as Soon as they leave your presence and mosey on to someone else...YOU are the next topic of Gossip!                                                                               Dr. Beverly L. Swanson~ Eagle Wings Inspirational / Empowerment Speaker ~ Personal Life Coach/Consultant, Personal Development Coach/Consultant ~ Christian Counselor ~ Spiritual Adviser/Consultant  Radio Talk Show Host For Speaking Engagements, Personal Coaching Appointments, Products                    
I do hope you check out my Book "God's Desert Flower"  a True Story ...of my 7 year Journey of the "office" that I serve in as a Messenger of the Lord.... Here is The Trailer...Take peak....                                    The Book is available to Purchase as a Soft Back...EBook....Audio Book- in Mp3 Download or (4) CD Set.  On my website:  Amazon, Barnes & Nobel careful of EBAY SCAMS!  "The Experiences Endured & Shared will Shock You..                                                        
To All Those that Follow My Radio Broadcasts...Just a Sneak Peak a "Heads Up".  In the Studio Next Week to record Commercial & Jingles for a Radio Station that is picking up my Radio Show "Inspiration~ Empowerment & BREAKTHROUGH! It will be LIVE and AIRED 56 TIMES A MONTH 7 DAYS A WEEK!  Yes I will still have Shows on Blogtalk Radio as well.  Coffee~ Wisdom & Prayer w/ Dr. Beverly will Also still be Aired on Blog talk...and LASTLY.  I will be Starting A NEW LIVE RADIO BROADCAST for Youth/Young the NEW RADIO CHANNEL AIRING again 56 Times A Month....WHAT RADIO STATION you say?  Shhh...This is just a sneak peak...will let you know Next Week.  These Flowers are for All my followers of my Radio Broadcasts...I do love and appreciate you~ Dr. Beverly~                                                       ...

TRANSITION~Looks Like Chaos ~ Ends In Blessings

What is this awful time that I'm in!!! Well Dear Ones it's called "Transition!"  Transition can feel terrible...often unbearable.  Nothing makes don't seem to have ANY control of the day the moment... Yike! It's okay ...breathe we are All in a form of some Transition right now.  Things are changing for those that have been believing and hoping for more and they have been "Positioning" Themselves to Receive Great Things.  Whether it's in their jobs, business, personal lives, family lives.   (Keep Reading Below)                                                      Well there is a "Transition" that Prepares us to Receive these wonderful promises, and you Must Hold on to the very end.  You see if you get discouraged and Bail Out and give up in the middle of it because it seems foreign to you right now you will m...


We are Victorious,,,You are Victorious. Let Nothing Move you or Stop you You Cannot Fail., Hold on to you're FAITH!

First Start With Gratitude...

Are you grateful? Remember Dear Ones~if you  recognize  the Father's "God Winks" of the little blessings and show your gratitude of honor and praise...He will flood you with the greater blessings...Let the Lord know your're grateful.. Love you more~   Dr. Beverly L. Swanson~ Eagle Wings    Faith Based~ Spirit, Mind & Body Author~ Life Coach~ Personal Development~ Spiritual Life Consultant~ Spiritual Adviser~ Christian Counselor                     Inspirational / Empowerment Speaker & Radio Talk Show Host  "Coffee~ Wisdom & Prayer"  W/ Dr. Beverly   "Inspiration~ Empowerment & BREAKTHROUGH!"   

How Positive Emotions Improve Our Health

How Positive Emotions Improve Our Health We all know that physical health depends on a good diet and exercise. But  recent research  suggests that it also comes from a regular dose of  positive emotions . Now a new study goes one step further, not only showing that positive emotions improve health but identifying precisely how they have this effect: by making people feel more socially connected. shironosov In the study, published online in Psychological Science , researchers divided 65 people into two groups. One received training in the ancient practice of  loving-kindness meditation ; the other was put on a waiting list for the meditation training. All of the participants were faculty or staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. None had any prior meditation experience. The researchers chose loving-kindness meditation because, they write, “it teaches individuals how to cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and goodwill toward themselves ...

A Smile is Uni-Sex and UNi-versal

A Smile is a Universal gesture that warms the heart of those you care about ...and even strangers!  It cost absolutely nothing, there are no prerequisites, and it means even more when it is returned.  What are some of the things that make you smile? What are some of those things that keeps you from smiling..?  Will you share?  In the meantime let me share this with you. Click & Be Surprised...                                                                                                                           Dr. Beverly L. Swanson~ Eagle Wings ...

Don't Give Up...When the Storms Come..

Okay.. many are talking about the Pressures against them right now . I do understand, feeling a little "weighty" myself. But the Word of God doesn't change Dear Ones and Neither does God. He is the Same God Yesterday...Today and Forever  more. He does his best work in the middle of Chaos...Turbulence...Stormy Days...and the Pressures of life's demands. Stay Focused on the Instructions of the Holy Spirit...Lean on the Word of God Without Doubt. Cling to your is your Life Line. Stronger? Good...NOW Open up your Mouth and Speak to that Mountain (all that is arising against you) and COMMAND it to Go "In the Name of Jesus!" These are the Times in which to Exercise Your Power...In Faith. We Are Victorious...& More than a Conquer In Christ Jesus!  Love you more~                                                  Dr. Beverly ~ Eagle Wings ...